HopeAsia Details
HopeAsia has a number of trustees who are directly responsible to the Charity Commission for the running of the charity.
Crispin Fairbairn
After many years in business Crispin joined the staff of Grace Church Caversham in Reading. He has since left the church and lives in the West Country where he runs a holiday business in the summer and is able to travel to Asia in the winter months on behalf of HopeAsia ensuring our projects are working as well as possible.
Nicky Phillips
Nicky spent two weeks, with daughter Charis, at the Cambodian orphanage in 2012 teaching English to the children which was a life-changing experience for both of them. Since then she has joined the board of trustees and is assisted in this role by her husband Andy.
Chris Norris
Chris got involved with HopeAsia after joining us on one of our cycle challenges. He has been a great supporter ever since and in 2016 organised a fantastic cycle challenge around Mandalay!